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State Senator Lisa Baker, Chair of the State Senate Judiciary Committee, (717) 787-7428, and urge her to hold public hearings and bring the universal background checks bill (HB714) and the red flag bill (extreme risk protection order, HB1018) to a vote.



State Senator Gene Yaw, Vice Chair of the State Senate Judiciary Committee, (717) 787-3280, and urge him to bring these bills to a vote.


What Happened?


On May 22, the PA State House passed TWO gun safety bills - HB 714 (Universal Background Checks) and HB 1018 (Extreme Risk Protection Orders, red flag law). These bills are now sitting in the State Senate Judiciary Committee where there has been NO ACTION for over 4 months.


What's Next?

For the bills to advance and become law, they Judiciary Committee needs to vote yes on them and then the full Senate needs to vote yes. We need YOU to make sure Senator Lisa Baker, who has the power to bring these bills to a vote, hears your voice.

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