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On May 20, the State House passed HB-2440, a radical bill which labels ALL gun associated businesses essential to life and states that they can NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be limited or closed (notwithstanding any laws or regulations to the contrary). The bill now goes to the State Government committee in the Senate and then (if passed) to Governor Wolf's desk. 


CALL your State Senator TODAY and tell them NO on HB2440!!!


Then call GOVERNOR WOLF (717-787-2500) and urge him to veto the bill should it pass.



Here is the wording of the bill:


Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, consistent with the inviolate rights enumerated under sections 21 and 25 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, shooting ranges, sportsman clubs, hunting facilities and firearm and ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, importers and distributors, inclusive of their employees and agents, shall always be constituted as life-sustaining businesses in this Commonwealth, which shall never be shuttered or limited in their ability to produce, provide, sell or otherwise offer firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, component parts of firearms, ammunition and firearm accessories, and all services, training, safety and practice related to firearms and hunting.


*This bill is NOT about re-opening businesses safely or the economic danger of business closures to small gun shop owners - gun shops across Pennsylvania are OPEN and all of Pennsylvania's counties which are still 'red' are predicted to go to 'yellow' in another week. This is a naked power grab by radical 2A advocates and their right wing cronies in the state legislature.*

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