Nick Pisciottano - Candidate for HD-38
Nick Pisciottano is a gun safety advocate, supporting responsible gun ownership and running for State House Representative in State House District 38 in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. The district includes Whitehall, West Mifflin, South Park, Baldwin, Pleasant Hills, Dravosburg, Glassport, Liberty and Port Vue.
HD-38 is currently an open seat in a district which has been held by Democrat William Kortz for years. Rep. Kortz is retiring. Retaining this seat is absolutely ESSENTIAL to our hopes of a gun safety majority.
Nick's opponent has NO plan for gun safety but states that her goal is to defend and protect the Second Amendment. She is endorsed by the radical fringe group, Firearms Owners of America.
(please remember - Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence does not oppose the Second Amendment, nor do any of the candidates we support. We DO support common sense reforms to gun laws which are supported by the majority of the American people).
Nick Pisciottano's statement on Gun Safety below:
While I am not a gun owner many of my family and friends own guns and rifles, are hunters, and have a family history of owning guns. Many in my district are blue collar democrats who are law abiding citizens that worry about losing family heirlooms or the guns they purchase for hunting, sport shooting, or as collectors. I support responsible gun ownership as do many of the residents of District 38.
That said, I agree with the broad based bipartisan support for background checks, including closing the private sale loopholes, and ERPO legislation that would prevent tragedies like the Squirrel Hill shooting and the school shootings we all too routinely experience.
We also need to invest in programs that identify and assist those struggling with mental health issues so that they cannot harm themselves or others. It is not discussed enough that nearly two-thirds of gun deaths in this country are suicides with almost 20% of those veteran firearm suicides. Every single one of those deaths is a failure of our state and our country's public health system to assist the mentally ill and, in my view, inseparable from debate around gun ownership.