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Pam Iovino - Candidate for Re-election PA Senate District 37


Pam Iovino is a retired Navy officer and gun

safety advocate running  for re-election to

the PA State Senate District 37.


SD-37 includes parts of Allegheny County

and Peters Twp in Washington County.


Iovino supports

*Universal Background Checks

*Extreme Risk Protection Orders


From her website: 


As a retired Navy officer, trained in the safe and lethal use of multiple firearms, and sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, I am in a unique position to enact common-sense gun safety policies. We must take action to stop the violence in our schools and places of worship. I will fight for universal background checks, a PA “Red Flag” law, and to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and those experiencing a mental health crisis.


 **September 20 Squirrel Hill Stands Phone Bank for Pam Iovino**

Details coming soon! - check the Events Page




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