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March 23, 2021
Virtual Lobby Day for Gun Safety
Virtual Event
Ceasefire PA, Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence, state and community partners
On March 23rd, citizens, survivors, faith leaders, violence intervention groups, and numerous other organizations gathered for the first ever statewide, virtual advocacy day. More than 350 volunteers participated in 450 hours of Zoom meetings with legislators. The event also included trainings, background on key issues, and a rally. The pandemic has halted in person advocacy, but our commitment together to end gun violence together is stronger than every. We advocated for:
- Extreme Risk Protection Orders: these will create a legal process for family members or law enforcement to temporarily remove access to guns if someone is at risk of harming themselves or others.
Mandatory reporting of lost or stolen firearms: this will crackdown on a major source of guns used in violent crimes: loss, theft, and straw purchasers – people who buy guns and then sell them illegally to people who can’t buy them on their own.
Universal Background Checks will insure every gun buyer has a background check. Currently, people can buy long guns, including rifles, shotguns and semi-automatic military-style rifles without one if sold by a private citizen.
Defending existing gun violence prevention policies and pushing for more funding for community violence intervention programs.
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