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Catching Up

It has been a devastating few weeks and while we have been busy advocating for better gun laws, we have not been busy keeping you all updated on our doings.

March For Our Lives

Today, we joined hundreds of like minded folks (and some fantastic young people from March for Our Lives) for a moving and inspiring rally at Mellon Park. We heard from a gun violence survivor from the Virginia Tech shooting, community organizers who see and live the daily toll gun violence takes in our local communities of color, from other gun safety advocates on how to push for better gun laws and from Squirrel Hill Stands member Miri Rabinowitz, whose husband Jerry was murdered in the October 27, 2018 shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue. ALL of the speakers were moving but Miri's words, including her reaction to the shooting of 19 children and two teachers at Uvalde, were incredibly powerful.

Wear Orange for Gun Violence Awareness

Last weekend we joined CeaseFirePA and Moms Demand Action to participate in Wear Orange for Gun Violence Awareness. The weekend was kicked off by a proclamation by Pittsburgh mayor Ed Gainey. Squirrel Hill Stands members and gun violence survivors Dan Leger and Miri Rabinowitz were in attendance. This event was followed by a community gathering to elevate the voices of gun violence survivors and a walk. The speakers were moving and inspiring and the commitment to action was palpable.

Please check out our past events for more on what we have been up to.

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