On December 11, 2019, Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence, CeaseFire PA, Moms Demand Action Against Gun Violence and many other community partners hosted Remembering Newtown: Healing and Action, 7 Years Later. We joined in community to remember the 26 children and educators killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School seven years ago, the 11 Jewish congregants murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue a year ago and all the victims of gun violence in Allegheny County over the past year.
Reverend Glenn Grayson gave an opening prayer, Rabbi Doris Dyen said Kaddish for the 11 victims of the October 27 synagogue shooting and the Reverend Liddy Barlow gave the benediction. Moving words were spoken by Rob Conroy of Ceasefire PA and Carolyn Ban of Squirrel Hill Stands. The Lemington Gospel Chorale and CAPA high school student Caroline McCully gave moving musical performances before the reading of the names of the victims of gun violence in Allegheny County (read by Alicia Scott, Debra Germany and Rob Conroy) and of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting seven years ago (read by Emily Svitek, a Sandy Hook alumnus). Dana Kellerman read the names of the 11 victims at the Tree of Life synagogue.
Read about the event in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette here.
See the community partners and elected officials supporting the event in the program below.